"And I realized...this wasn't a way to live. This was a way to die." (28 Days)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Taking Some Time Out For Me

Last night while at my internship, I wrote this entry based on another ezine article from Linda Spangle titled "Day after day after day" (and how!):

The actual article was about keeping up with my program. One really great thing she said was "real life doesn't change just because you went on a diet". This is so, so true. I can't get flustered because someone graciously brought unhealthy treats to work. They're being nice! I just have to not let it get to me! If and when I do make a mistake, I don't need to beat myself up for it.

To stay on track, I can remember why I'm losing weight. When I first started this, I made a "little red book" of my reasons for doing so. I've been carrying it around but have looked through it maybe two times since I created it. I need to put it to better use! I keep meaning to "name" each reason, like "I lost Pound 1 in order to have healthier skin", etc. (This is true, BTW--now that I drink so much water, my acne is so much better. Huzzah!)

I think that I really will do this as well as focus on an additional reason (the next pound to strive for). I'm excited about this. So, here's what I've done so far:

  1. Because I deserve this
  2. Because I can do this
  3. To prevent diabetes (yay, I "passed" my blood test!)
  4. To prevent hypertension
  5. To prevent high cholesterol
  6. To prevent sleep apnea
  7. To have healthy pregnancies (should we ever decide to have kids)
  8. To prevent health-related surgeries
  9. To stop my thoughtless eating

For my next pound, I'm going to focus on better skin. So far, it's getting better already. So, here's to glowing, smooth skin!

I'm also going to write the date each was accomplished in my little book, too. For 262 (reason #8), I'll even put all six of the dates. I owned that weight! So much fun.

In order to "go back to what works", I can remember that asking myself what helps:

  • Checking in with mom when my motivation falters
  • Drinking water before breakfast
  • Exercising as soon as I get home
  • Writing!
  • Planning my meals
  • Asking myself what I'm feeling when I have temptations to try to tease out what emotion I'm trying to mask
  • Telling myself to make it one more day (every single day)

Today's weight loss topic was "Nurturing Power of Food":

Today I bought a candy bar because they always soothe me. I took two bites and told myself that my emotional needs had been met (calming down the really painful homesickness I feel right now) and that eating more won't heal me any more. And I gave the rest away. I actually felt satisfied with those two bites and haven't craved chocolate since. This exercise taught me that while food can help with feelings, I don't have to eat until I pop for it to do that because the first two bites have the most impact. I can work on finding better ways to cope.

1 comment:

Fatina George said...

Good for you! I love your list. I made a list like that once for exercising to try to distract myself from weight loss and focus on increasing bone density, boosting my immune system, etc.

BTW - I *love* that you have social justice as one of your interests in addition to all your other stuff in your profile. Rock on.