"And I realized...this wasn't a way to live. This was a way to die." (28 Days)

Monday, July 7, 2008

Pushing It

Kalem and I took a run yesterday evening around 7 PM. It had been raining outside so we decided to run on the treadmills in the "exercise room" of the apartment complex. I am trying my best to avoid them because I'm afraid of falling again, but I hate getting wet and it was insanely humid, so we ended up inside.

When we first started running, each session focused on the amount of time run rather than the distance. However, now that we have started marathon training, miles are what matter--building upon them regardless of the intensity.

So, we got on the treadmills to start our run. I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere (I was impatient and wanted to be done!), so I increased my speed to "get it over with". Oy. My body started cramping like crazy and I almost had to stop. I decreased my speed, but it was too late. So, instead of running 4 miles, I only ended up running 3.

I was really frustrated with myself for not finishing, but I am glad that I learned a valuable lesson: I have found a pretty comfortable running pace though it is fairly slow. I need to be comfortable with taking forever to run three miles because if I push myself too hard, I'll never make it any further in my training.

I am ready to take on our next run at my snail's pace! Finishing is what's most important. That and being able to still feel my legs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait to feel my legs again without pain.
