"And I realized...this wasn't a way to live. This was a way to die." (28 Days)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Last night was hard. I am taking a class about health and I felt like everyone was looking at me when the teacher was talking about obesity. It may not be true, but I felt so embarrassed by my size. How did I let myself get this way?

I was seriously thinking about gastric bypass on the bus ride home. Kalem talked me down and reminded me that I would be so much prouder of myself if I were to do it myself, with no surgery. And I know that I can. I must. I am healthy now but I don't want to take that for granted. That could change any moment.

Today's weight loss topic is "Two purposes of food":
I know that having planned "fuel stops" helps with avoiding overeating. So far today, I have had two pieces of toast. They served as both fuel and flavor appreciation (I really love multi grain bread!). I can avoid overeating by remembering that food is mostly for fuel. I can be more proactive about not overeating by planning every fuel stop of the day.

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