"And I realized...this wasn't a way to live. This was a way to die." (28 Days)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Off the Wagon

I had something of a bender this weekend. I ate what I wanted and didn't care. Okay, I cared, but not enough to not overeat. On Friday I knew I was going to go over. On Saturday, Kalem and I went to Golden Corral for breakfast so I knew I was going to go over by 10AM. And it was so bad, which makes it such a waste! So, after that, I ate with wild abandon. Why not--I was already over for the day! Yesterday, I stayed within my limit, but it was SO TOUGH. Still, I did it! Today has been hard, too. I feel the need to eat constantly. I have about 800 mg left after dinner. In Hotline today, there were peanut butter pretzels and Cheez-Its. What the heck?! Talk about temptation! I had one serving of the pretzels (+1 more) and stopped there. They were too salty (though delicious)! Go figure.

On the way to my internship, I stopped at CVS for a snack. I had planned on white cheddar popcorn but that was out of the question. Almost everything was! I just wanted to buy a bag of something and it be okay. I felt so desperate. I had applesauce in my bag but that wasn't going to cut it. I ended up with Triscuits. They were fairly good, thought there was something I didn't quite like about the flavor. Either way, I am currently not hungry. To be honest, I wasn't hungry before I ate them. I just wanted to eat. I am trying to work more on that. This time I wanted to eat so I didn't end up stuffing my face at my internship. I need to learn to be more comfortable with eating in front of others.

I'm looking into getting a new walking DVD! I'm excited. I've been thinking of getting the stretchie band thing to do some toning. I'm not sure which DVD I want so I'm getting some from the library to check out beforehand.

I want Cheetos!

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