"And I realized...this wasn't a way to live. This was a way to die." (28 Days)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Getting Myself Back

When I first started my job, I dressed to kill. Three-inch heels, skirts, makeup. I was so cute.

I've been here a little over two years and now it's not so much the case. Even though I've only (only?!) gained about 20-25 pounds since then, I'm just not as cute. I still dress up, but I haven't worn makeup on a day that wasn't my anniversary for years. I don't wear heels. I only wear skirts if I bothered to lotion that morning and the skirt doesn't cut of my stomach circulation.

I'm still one of the most-dressed up here (we're a fairly casual place), but I rarely feel like putting in the effort. I think that this stems from a number of things:
  • No one else dresses up.
  • Heels hurt my feet.
  • It's often too flipping humid to wear makeup
  • I wake up too late to dress nicely

I could spin this, of course:

  • I'm more comfortable with myself.
  • Have you seen/worn ballet flats?! Why wear anything else?
  • I didn't wear makeup before I started this job, so why wear it now?
  • I work and go to school and have a weekly internship. I need to be comfortable.
  • So I look like a shlub now. You should see me in the winter. I'm super cute then because I can layer!

Of course, a lot of it comes down to one fact:

I don't care enough.

Every few months, I'll step it up and put on my favorite patent leather pumps (they're completely adorable) and a dress. I feel pretty when I do and tell myself it's time to stop letting myself go. Now that I've stopped letting myself go food- and exercise-wise, I am starting to wonder if I should do more in the way of my appearance. I wonder if I'd feel better about how I look right now. I know for sure that my skin is getting better, which is great, because my acne was terrible! I didn't have skin like this in high school!

1 comment:

Naomi L said...

I think dressing nicely gives you more confidence in yourself! I have a very distinct memory of one time when I was riding home from work on the DC metro. There was a morbidly obese woman sitting in the seat ahead of me, and what struck me first was that her nails were perfectly manicured. Then I noticed that she looks quite put together in general.

Rarely do you notice someone so overweight who cares enough to keep their nails well manicured and take time to do their makeup flawlessly. By the end of the ride, we were chatting, and I found her to be a funny, smart woman, confident in her own skin. It made a huge impression on me. I think that taking the time to care actually makes you care more. You can be similarly inspirational to people, just by taking pride in your appearance, even before you have achieved your goal weight!